We continue to make every attempt to safeguard the health and safety of our staff and students by implementing additional hygiene measures.
Certificate holders in first aid and CPR can find themselves asking questions like "What should I do if I encounter someone suffering acute respiratory failure who may be infected with the Coronavirus?"
There is some published evidence throughout the world that there are some delays associated with the concern about COVID and even evidence in Victoria suggesting some delays may have resulted in halving of the hospital survival rate for these people who have cardiac arrests out of hospital.
After a shark attack, the greatest risk is bleeding out. Stopping the bleed is a priority in shark attack first aid. You can bleed out from an amputated limb in under 5 minutes.
General Health-Related
What are the living conditions of our senior citizens like? And what constitutes a happy, healthy environment for elderly Australians to live out the rest of their long lives?
First Aid Equipment
The National Asthma Council Australia developed the Asthma Buddy app which quickly proved popular with the whole asthma community — from people with asthma and their families, to the doctors and nurses treating asthma.
Health Statistics
Australia is the deadliest location in the world when it comes to fatalities directly associated with shark attacks. In 2020, Australia recorded 22 unprovoked shark encounters — more than 38% of the worldwide total.
Many celebrities are reported to have passed away due to cardiac events but there are very few famous cases of survival. This article tells of 10 well-known people who succumbed to sudden cardiac arrest and one very lucky survivor.
The more risk factors you have for coronary heart disease, the greater your chance of developing it. In Australia, 90% of people have at least one risk factor for heart disease.
Allergy and Asthma
Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a severe allergic reaction that can quickly become life threatening if not treated immediately. It can affect the skin, as well as the respiratory, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems.
CPR Resources
See how to perform CPR on someone pregnant in this guide. You can also go to specific guides on CPR for adults, children and infants. If you’re in an emergency, call (000).
CPR Resources
See how to perform CPR on an infant (under 12 months old) by following this guide. You can also go to other guides on CPR for children (1-8 years), adults and older children (over 8 years), and CPR during pregnancy. If you’re in an emergency, call 000.